Saturday, January 18, 2025

Public Private Dialogue Forum

Elita Mwenda

Ms. Elita Mwenda will be joining the Public Private Dialogue Forum Secretariat as Senior Analyst/Researcher. She will assume this position on August 1st, 2022. Prior to this appointment, she was at the African Development Bank Group for 6 years serving first as an Advisor, then Senior Advisor to the Executive Director representing Botswana, Malawi, Mauritius and Zambia on the Board of Directors of the Bank. In the position she was critical in undertaking policy oversight and providing operational and strategic guidance on the African Development Bank Group’s operations in the areas of Energy, Agriculture, Private Sector Operations, Industrialisation, Corporate and Human Resource Management.

Prior to working at the Bank, Ms. Mwenda worked for 12 years at the Ministry of Finance where she was Principal Economist in charge of Government Investments and subsequently served as Executive Assistant to the Secretary to the Treasury for the last four years before joining the Bank. While at the Ministry, Ms Mwenda worked on establishing the Financial Intelligence Centre, was a Board Member of the Development Bank of Zambia, Chambishi Metals and served in the Secretariat of the Public Private Partnership Technical Committee and Council of Ministers. Ms Mwenda is passionate about growing the private sector and fostering partnerships with Governments to achieve positive development impact. She therefore hopes to play a cardinal part in addressing challenges to the growth of private sector in Zambia and creating a thriving partnership with Government thereby fostering Private sector led economic growth.

Ms. Mwenda is an Economist by training and holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics from the University of Zambia and a Masters Degree in Economics of Development from the International Institute of Social Studies in the Hague under the Erasmus University.